Being an FBI Special Agent is a demanding job. A Special Agent is many times put into situations that depend greatly on his/her physical capability. In these instances, physical fitness is usually the factor that makes the difference between acheivement and failure, even life or death. All candidates for the position have to be in excellent physical condition with no disabilities that would interfere with all there responsibilities such as, in firearm use, raids, or defensive tactics. Every one that wants to be an agent must be able to pass several tests to make it into the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia. These test are Physical fitness test, Vision Requirements, Hearing Requirements, and Medical Review (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
Physical Fitness Test
To make sure that FBI Special Agents are completely ready to meet their responsibilities in the law enforcement community, they must pass a standardized Physical Fitness Test. The test contains four mandatory events that are administered in the following order, Maximum number of sit-ups in one minute, Timed 300-meter sprint, Maximum number of push-ups (untimed) , and Timed one and one-half mile (1.5 mile) run (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
“Applicants are required to take a Physical Fitness Test self assessment using the proper PFT protocol prior to the Phase I exam. The results of the self assessment must be reported on the PFT Self Evaluation Form. This form should be completed by all applicants and submitted to the processing field office during the Phase I exam. Although a passing PFT self assessment is not required to take the Phase I exam, no applicant will be considered for Phase II testing until he/she has submitted a PFT Self Evaluation Form which reflects a passing score” (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
“An official PFT is administered to a Special Agent applicant at his/her processing FBI field office shortly after the applicant has passed Phase II testing. An applicant will not be eligible for admission into a New Agents' Training Class until he/she has passed the PFT. An applicant will have a total of three opportunities to pass the PFT: the first will be shortly after passing Phase II testing” (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
If they score less than a 6 on the PFT, they have to wait a minimum of a year before getting a PFT test to retake. If they fail the first PFT with a score a 6 or more points, they must retake the test within 30-90 days. If they fail the 2nd PFT with a 6 or more points, they must retake the test within 90-120 days. Their processing will be discontinued if they fail to retake the test within the required time, unless a medically documented injury or illness interferes with the candidate taking the PFT. All people applying must take and pass the PFT within 60 days of reporting to New Agents' Training Class at Quantico. Therefore, it may be necessary for applicants to take and pass more than one PFT during processing. If they Never pass the PFT requirements, the person has failed there chance at becoming a special agent (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
“There is a strictly defined scoring scale and protocol for each event. In order to pass the PFT, Special Agent applicants must achieve a minimum cumulative score of twelve points with at least one point in each of the four events. (The PFT for Tactical Recruiting Program applicants consists of five events and an applicant must achieve twenty points to pass.) Applicants who pass the official PFT are considered sufficiently fit to safely and successfully complete the physical training and defensive tactics portion of New Agents' Training at the FBI Academy“ (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
New Agent Trainees that make it to the FBI Academy must retake and pass the Physical Fitness Test in their first week at the Academy. Everything is the scoring, except a fifth event is added, standard pull up test. The score on pull-ups is not used against you, but is used by the FBI Training Division for fitness awards, including the 50-point award (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
Vision Requirements
“Special Agent candidates should possess uncorrected visual acuity no worse than 20/200 (Snellen) in each eye, with correction to 20/20 in one eye and at least 20/40 in the other eye. Individuals unable to meet the 20/200 minimum uncorrected acuity may be considered if they provide medical documentation of use of soft contact lenses for at least one year without significant problems or adverse events. If an applicant has had laser eye corrective surgery, a six-month waiting period is required prior to beginning New Agents' Training at the FBI Academy” (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
They also must provide proof of complete healing by an ophthalmology clinical evaluation. “The Policy for color vision allows continuation of applicant processing if those who fail initial color vision screening are able to successfully complete the Farnsworth D-15 color vision test” (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).
Hearing Requirements
people applying to be a Specail Agent must take an audiometer test and meet specified hearing standards. Please think about the fact that no applicant will be considered who exceeds any of the following, “average hearing loss of 25 decibels (ANSI) at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz, single reading of 35 decibels at 1000, 2000, and 3000 Hertz, single reading of 35 decibels at 500 Hertz, single reading of 45 decibels at 4000 Hertz” (Special Agents Becoming one of America’s Finest).